
Rock Solid Business

Building Unshakable Success, One Strategy at a Time

    Faith Requires Risk
    Julie Traxler Julie Traxler

    Faith Requires Risk

    It's curious how some nuggets stick in our memory, tucked away in a brain nook reserved for once-important things that linger without a delete button, even as their relevance fades. Years ago, back when Oprah was still relevant she offhandedly said “when you ask God for patience you are going to be put into situations that require patience.”

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    WTF Is A Frictionless Website And Why Do You Keep Talking About It?
    Julie Traxler Julie Traxler

    WTF Is A Frictionless Website And Why Do You Keep Talking About It?

    …But let’s cut the crap: it’s friction. And darling, it’s probably sneaking around your website, dancing through your social media posts, hiding in your CTAs, and playing hide-and-seek in your processes, lead magnets, podcast, and systems. It’s a money repellent.

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    $2.2 Trillion in E-Comm Sales… That’s a Big Pie
    Julie Traxler Julie Traxler

    $2.2 Trillion in E-Comm Sales… That’s a Big Pie

    Here’s a little known fact for you…in 2023, mobile e-commerce sales reached $2.2 trillion, accounting for 60% of all e-commerce sales worldwide​​. I’m guessing you want to be a part of that 60%, right? Well, if you want people to click and buy whatever you’re selling? Make sure you have PayPal as one of your payment options at checkout.

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    🐾 "Bless Your Heart" and Other Lessons in Resilience 🌪️
    Julie Traxler Julie Traxler

    🐾 "Bless Your Heart" and Other Lessons in Resilience 🌪️

    You know I like to keep things light around here, but I absolutely have to share what happened in my world last weekend. You may already know because it made national news, but the town I live in was hit by a devastating tornado. While I’m eternally grateful that my home, family, and dogs (especially the dogs, IYKYK) are all unharmed, there are many who did not fare as well as I did. The devastation across the city was alarming, with many businesses, homes, trees, and powerlines completely taken down.

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    The Unsexy Foundation of Every Rock Solid Business
    Julie Traxler Julie Traxler

    The Unsexy Foundation of Every Rock Solid Business

    What if we told you that the secret sauce to unyielding business success isn’t found in the glossy, Instagrammable moments of entrepreneurial life, but rather in the nitty-gritty, unglamorous corners of foundational work? You’d probably think we're stark raving mad. But hang with us for a moment – there’s method in our madness.

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    The Entrepreneurial Blessing: A Dance with Creativity and Freedom
    Julie Traxler Julie Traxler

    The Entrepreneurial Blessing: A Dance with Creativity and Freedom

    There’s a wild, unbridled energy that pulses through the veins of every entrepreneur. It’s that uncontainable spirit, the insatiable appetite for creation and innovation, that separates us from the rest. In this tumultuous, yet exhilarating world of entrepreneurship, every day is a dance with possibility and every challenge, a melody of growth. It’s messy, it’s beautiful, and above all, it’s a blessing of unparalleled proportions.

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    11 Lessons I Learned from My Dog about Business and Life
    Julie Traxler Julie Traxler

    11 Lessons I Learned from My Dog about Business and Life

    Let’s dive into the dog-eat-dog world of business with a twist—turns out, our four-legged friends are more than just cuddle buddies; they're undercover business gurus. Here’s the lowdown on the 11 bark-worthy lessons I’ve snagged from my furball that’ll give you a leg up in life and business. So, kick back, give your pooch an extra scratch, and let’s unleash these nuggets of wisdom.

    1. Loyalty is King: Just like our tail-wagging pals, sticking by your pack pays off big time. It’s about crafting a vibe of trust and killer relationships that last longer than a chew toy.

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    From Core Values to Scaling: Why a Solid Business Foundation Matters
    Julie Traxler Julie Traxler

    From Core Values to Scaling: Why a Solid Business Foundation Matters

    "You can't build a great building on a weak foundation. You must have a solid foundation if you're going to have a strong superstructure." ~~ Gordon B. Hinckley

    Building a strong business foundation is critical for the success of any entrepreneur. Without a solid foundation, a business is likely to struggle and even fail in the long run. Maverick Mentor’s understands the importance of having a strong business foundation, and that's why they encourage entrepreneurs to focus on core values, mission, vision, business plan, SWOT analysis, competitive analysis, failure, and scaling.

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