WTF Is A Frictionless Website And Why Do You Keep Talking About It?

Call it what you want:

  • Obstacles

  • Hindrances

  • Barriers

  • Bottlenecks

  • Impediments

  • Roadblocks

  • Hiccups

  • Stumbling Blocks

  • Challenges

  • Setbacks

  • Complications

  • Snags

  • Interference

  • Resistance

  • Constraints

  • Blockages

  • Disruptions

  • Inefficiencies

  • Delays

  • Drag

But let’s cut the crap: it’s friction. And darling, it’s probably sneaking around your website, dancing through your social media posts, hiding in your CTAs, and playing hide-and-seek in your processes, lead magnets, podcast, and systems. It’s a money repellent.

Here’s a quick look-see at where this unwelcome guest might be throwing a party:

  • Difficult to navigate websites? Friction. If your website is more "Where's Waldo?" than "Here’s exactly what you’re looking for," then, congrats, you’ve got friction.

  • No FAQs? That’s like expecting to cook without pots. People look for FAQs the way cats look for the sunniest spot. No FAQ (or a hidden one)? That’s friction, making your visitors embark on a quest they never signed up for.

  • Contact Us playing hard to get? If getting in touch with you is like trying to snag a date with a celebrity, you’re rolling out the red carpet for friction.

  • Opaque pricing? Oh, come on. Playing hide-and-seek with your prices might seem like a seductive strategy, but it's about as appealing as a cold shower. Be upfront, or watch potential buyers bounce faster than a bad check.

  • Poorly written copy? If your copy is as appealing as a dentist’s waiting room, you need to jazz it up. Words matter. They’re the difference between "meh" and "shut up and take my money."

Have you ever been on a tropical vacation and found yourself seduced into a 90-minute timeshare tour for the freebies, swearing you won't buy but walking out 4 hours later as a proud new owner of a $37,000 timeshare? That salesperson just gave you a masterclass in handling objections. You went from "no way" to "where do I sign?" because they eliminated every piece of friction from the conversation. That’s what removing friction can do for you.

    Applying this to your website means:

    • Making navigation effortless. ✅

    • Pricing clear as a summer day. ✅

    • Offering various payment options, including PayPal, for convenience. ✅

    • Writing copy that’s more captivating than a Netflix binge. ✅

    • Packing your FAQ with all the answers. ✅

    • Providing proof that what you’re selling isn’t snake oil. ✅

    • Ensuring contacting you is as easy as texting your BFF. ✅

    Why does this matter? Because removing friction isn’t just about polishing the aesthetics; it’s about respecting your customer's journey and making it so buttery smooth that they glide from curiosity to customer without even realizing it.

    Interested in checking your friction levels? Dive into our FREE Friction Scorecard and discover where you can polish your processes. Because, trust me, making it rain in your bank account is all about eliminating those pesky friction points.


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