Introducing Rock Fckin' Solid Masterclass:

Stabilization is the New Sexy

*Instant Access*

Giving Your Inner Critic a Roundhouse Kick  🌀🦵+ A Solid Business Foundation 🧱🪨 = More Fckin’ Money 💰💰

Rock Fckin' Solid Reviews: Hear from the Mavericks

So good! Thank you so much.”

“My Aha moment: I love the 15 minute task of taking something that feels really big and spending a little bit of time on systems and processes - seriously, you just made systems and processes cool again.

So many insights from Session 1. I needed to hear that there is no perfect business world - if we are truly resilient, and we are, then taking action by:

1. Breaking down processes and overcoming challenges even in small ways

2.  Using that momentum to improve operational efficiency and continuously improve.

3.  Plan, Do. Check, Act.

4.  It is good to hear the challenges that others face and how they are similar to my own challenges.

Thank you for an amazing session!

Hey Julie,

I already increased my revenue by $ 500 by briefly explaining to 2 clients why I need more $ for some extra work that was above and beyond the normal scope of work.  So my ROI for the $ 139 investment is 3.5x already.  

I would not have had the courage or foresight to do this without your Masterclass guiding me.

Thanks again,


“Just setting aside an hour a week to think about business strategy. I don’t or haven’t done any of these things. It’s been extremely unstructured and I’m now at the point of entering into a deeper understanding of the importance of being contained, strategic, thorough, disciplined. So good.”

Unlock the Secrets to Stabilizing Your Business

Break free from the chains of uncertainty and continuous grind. With Rock Fckin Solid, shift your business trajectory towards undeniable growth.

Get Instant Access for $139

  • Audio only drop (bonus)

  • Session One (Audio and Video + Bonus PDF of 15 Indicators of a Stabilized Business)

  • Session two (Audio and Video + Bonus PDF of 7 Scaling Myths Busters)

Your Spoils of War, Post-Rock Fckin’ Solid … aka - The Outcomes

1. Assess and Align: Ever stare at the mirror and wonder if you’ve got the chops for the big, bad, beautiful world of scaling? Spoiler: You do. But let’s quantify that bravado, map out those mad skills, and get real about where you’re at—and where you’re destined to be.

2. Guided Growth: None of that whimsical, wishy-washy advice here. This is a concrete jungle of tried-and-true steps. Think of it as a GPS for your ambition, with fewer wrong turns and a lot more ‘You Have Arrived’ moments.

3. Illuminate Blindspots: Uncover those sneaky saboteurs, the silent business killers lurking in the corners of your enterprise. We’re turning the floodlights on and giving them nowhere to hide. It’s you or them, baby.

4. Crystal-Clear Action: Imagine waking up with every day scripted in the annals of business glory. No more dilly-dallying or coin tosses for decision-making. It’s all signals green and full steam ahead.

5. Cash Flow Clarity: The money maze? Conquered. We’re pulling back the velvet curtain on the enigmatic world of cash flow, turning it from a wicked witch into a purring kitten, all curled up in the lap of your empire.

Welcome to the entrepreneur's promised land. Fasten your seatbelts; it’s time to take the world, by storm and by strategy.

Success Stories: Real Entrepreneurs, Real Results

  • “Systems and processes have never felt this cool. Breaking down big challenges into bite-sized tasks? Game-changer!”

  • “One hour of strategy a week transformed my business. Unstructured chaos to strategic clarity. Pure gold.”

Dive Deep into 7 Business Growth Pillars:

  1. Financial Mastery: From Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) to optimized pricing structures.

  2. Branding and Outreach: Harness the power of brand identity and customer testimonials.

  3. Client Relationship Gold: Transform leads into loyal customers.

  4. Service Excellence: Efficiently and effectively deliver every single time.

  5. Operational Prowess: Streamline, refine, and be ready for anything.

  6. Network and Growth: Build bridges and maintain your well-being for sustainable growth.

  7. Tech Toolkit: Invest in technology that propels you forward.

Your Golden Ticket: $139

Let's play a game of "Would You Rather." Would you rather splurge on a fleeting dinner or invest in a treasure trove of wisdom that’ll have your business not just surviving, but thriving? For the less than the cost of a steak and a glass of your favorite wine, you're getting keys to the kingdom.

Your Business, But on Rockstar Mode.

Here's a secret - stabilization is the unsung hero, the behind-the-scenes magician, making those jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring moments of business growth actually happen. It’s not a trend. It’s the main event. And with your pals at Maverick Mentors lighting the way, each step is an encore.

Why Join The Rock Fckin' Solid Revolution?

This isn’t a call to add another mentor to your entourage or jump on the next shiny strategy bandwagon. Oh no, darling. This is about laying down roots so damn deep, your business becomes unshakable. It’s a revolt against the flimsy and the flaky. It's a pledge to the potent and the profound. Are your boots laced? Because the revolution is calling.

So, how about it? Ready to trade in those shaky stilts for a foundation that’s as steadfast as it is sexy? Your empire awaits.

Here’s how people object…

  1. I don’t have time for this!” - There's never a perfect moment. Break big challenges into bite-sized tasks. Daily or weekly, make progress!

  1. “I’ve tried such programs before...” - Great to know you’re proactive! But here’s the catch: We make vast concepts tangible and actionable.

  2. “Now's not the right time to scale” - We’re about stabilization NOW so you can scale LATER. Remember: Stabilize, then scale. Repeat.

  3. “I’m already working with a mentor” - Perfect! This could provide complementary insights and even spark rich conversations with your current mentor.

  4. The price feels high” - First I’d say, if the investment feels high, it’s probably not a good fit for you. Second, I’d say the value is over $1500. The potential ROI? Limitless. Consider investing in a masterclass that transforms your business and the way you think.

Are you ready to be not just solid but Rock Fckin Solid? Dive in today.

For the Hungry Entrepreneur Who’s Hit a Wall

You’ve got the fire, the all-consuming blaze of an entrepreneur who’s tasted creation. But here’s the kick - you’re also human. And humans? We hit walls. Great, big, ugly walls of “What’s next?” and “How the hell?” Welcome to Rock Fckin' Solid - it’s not your grandma’s roadmap. It's for the gritty, the determined, the ones ready to smash through brick walls with bare hands, metaphorically speaking.

Why the Obsession with Stability?

Here’s the scoop: scaling is the dream. It’s the VIP room. But rushing to get on the list without the right prep is like showing up to a black-tie event in ripped jeans. Enticing, but decidedly uncool. We’re talking about stabilization - it’s the unsung hero, the bouncer that gets you in the door. It's making sure that every move you make isn’t just big, but brilliant. A business that doesn’t just sparkle for a moment, but illuminates the whole damn night sky, relentlessly.