Relentless Resilience: The Driving Force Behind Maverick Mentors
Maverick Mentors is the bold evolution after SB PACE, a turning point where Julie Traxler and her elite team of experts leave behind the old to fully embrace a vibrant, new landscape of endless possibilities.
How it Started:
In the heart of an economic tornado, SB PACE was born - a silver lining of ambition, audacity, and authenticity. Not founded on some romantic notion of altruism, but driven by an undeniable and somewhat unapologetic urge to turn a profit. The company's original co-founders, Julie Traxler and Gorey Terrace (obvs not the real name, but let’s go with it), spotted an opportunity amidst the chaos of the pandemic. Their vision? To play the game of money, to exploit the cracks in the system - by helping struggling small business owners and entrepreneurs. It wasn’t the prettiest of origin stories, but it was theirs.
For Julie and Gorey, both products of small business families, it was a territory they knew, felt connected to, and had the skills to navigate. They found a sense of familiarity in the chaos and an opportunity in the change. Big corporate was never their playground. Julie's streak of being shown the door in the corporate world was a testament to that.
Yet, the road was far from easy. They were diving headfirst into a new business during the most uncertain time in history. And to be successful they needed to leverage skills they knew nothing about - sales and marketing. For the first 8 months, they bumbled along, riding on their instincts, and making far too many rookie mistakes. Their growing pains were visible in their lackluster pricing and marketing strategies. They got duped by con artist coaches, failed to do a competitive analysis, and even neglected to establish an operating agreement. They were preaching what they themselves were not practicing.
It was Julie's 20+ years of experience in Mergers and Acquisitions that came to their rescue. Her expertise in recognizing the strengths and weaknesses in a business, and her knack for understanding how to safeguard the strengths and neutralize the weaknesses, steered the SB PACE ship. Suddenly, they weren't clueless entrepreneurs anymore, they had a combined four decades of professional wisdom to guide their course.
But the storm was yet to pass. In early 2022, Gorey began to step back from SB PACE to pursue other passions. The separation was difficult. The months that followed were grueling, and Julie was left holding the reins of a company that was now solely her responsibility. Financial struggles loomed large and forced Julie to take up a full-time consulting gig to keep the wolves at bay.
On July 4th, 2022, a line was drawn. Words were spoken, feelings were hurt, and bridges were burned. Gorey's departure was sudden and final. Left in the aftermath was a single entrepreneur, left to pick up the pieces of a shattered friendship and a struggling business. But this wasn’t the end; it was a new beginning.
This marked the dawn of a new era for SB PACE. Julie stepped into the storm, revamped the services, rebranded the company, and relocated to a new city. She learnt the hard way - through trials and tribulations - the importance of transparency, accountability, and legalities in running a successful business. She turned SB PACE into her vision, her voice, and her identity. To anyone looking in from the outside, it looked like a rebrand, but behind the scenes, SB PACE was gutted and ceased to exist. Maverick Mentors was an entirely new company. The change was necessary to break all ties with her former business partner.
How it’s Going:
SB PACE is now a part of history. Julie has closed the doors on SB PACE and emerged with Maverick Mentors. SB PACE is the past, nothing more than memories and hard lessons learned. Maverick Mentors is the future.
🌟 Maverick: n. "An independent individual who does not go along with a group or party; a free thinker unafraid to stand apart."
If there’s one thing we’ve learned about Julie, she’s not afraid to stand apart.
Today, Maverick Mentors stands tall, imbued with the spirit of resilience and relentless pursuit of growth. This story is not just about business strategies and bottom lines, it's about the emotional roller-coaster of being an entrepreneur - the triumphs, the setbacks, the heartbreaks, and the breakthroughs.
Maverick Mentor’s story is a testament to every entrepreneur who dared to dream, dared to fall, and dared to rise again.
They're authentic, they're edgy, they're slightly mischievous, but above all, they're fiercely determined. Their future vision is rooted in growth - for themselves, for their clients, for every small business owner and entrepreneur who is willing to roll the dice and take a chance.
Because at Maverick Mentors they don't just navigate the chaos, they thrive in it. When it comes to growth, they don't fuck around. Welcome to Maverick Mentors – where they’re all about turning shitstorms into gold mines.