Julie Traxler is not just another entrepreneur; she's a seasoned business owner with over 20 years of unparalleled expertise. With a repertoire that includes launching over 30 businesses, running multi-million and billion-dollar acquisitions, and an uncanny superpower for building high-performing teams, Julie's accomplishments stand testament to her mettle. At the heart of her legacy is her desire to see more entrepreneurs succeed.

Julie is the co-author of the best-selling book, "Seriously?! Now What? A Small Business Guide to Disaster Preparedness." But her accolades don't stop at ink and paper. She’s the type of entrepreneur that business owners want to hire permanently. She’s regularly asked to “leave her business behind and come work for me full time”, and while there are many tempting offers, Julie knows she is best suited to work for herself. 

Her collection of credentials is vast – from a Certified Coach to a PMP and even a Mergers and Acquisitions Specialist. But it's her spirit of collaboration and adaptability that leaves an indelible mark. Client testimonials are a testament to this, frequently spotlighting her innate ability to impart "knowledge without the know-it-all," offer "clear actionable steps," and consistently provide "roadmaps, guidance, and clarity."

Julie has worked with many different sectors, including construction, food service delivery, pharmaceuticals, financial institutions, energy, software, fitness, start-ups (both service and product based), clean tech, and hard tech. She is an avid supporter of all things small business. And fiercely supports female entrepreneurs on their path to successful business ownership. 

In addition to her strong background in the mergers and acquisitions space, Julie is an operations expert, frequently serving as fractional COO to small businesses, she’s also an expert in growth and scaling, stabilizing a business, and building a solid business foundation. 

Away from the corporate hustle, Julie immerses herself in personal development reads, passionately supports the Green Bay Packers and Michigan Wolverines, or embarks on adventurous trails accompanied by Rocket and Quill, her delightful mini-labradoodle companions. And if you're ever in for a tale of grit, challenge, and success, ask her about the 103-day mission, a million-dollar budget, and a goal that was nothing short of audacious.