Rock Solid Routines - Grounding Your Business for Growth
This playbook / video / audio file is the exact approach that Julie uses with her clients (and uses in her businesses) to stabilize before scaling. This is not a “make one or two minor tweaks and I’ll be a millionaire” document. This is the path to stabilization and sustainable growth. This playbook is built based on service based businesses, but it can be used as a baseline approach for product based businesses. Additional information around operations, supply chain, logistics, cost of goods, etc. would be needed to make it comprehensive for product based businesses.
While the information within this playbook is relevant and usable for businesses that are making over 6 figures and struggling to scale, there are specific callouts for those making below the 6 figure threshold. This playbook is built with the entrepreneur making less than 6 figures annually in mind.
Download includes 30+ page roadmap, checklist for easy implementation, an audio file of the content, and a video file of the content. Fill out the form below and receive instant access.